On 5 July 2023, DeepCube partners participated with scientific talks at the ITU AI for Good ML workshop “The role of AI in tackling climate change and its impacts: from science to early warning” organized by ITU in partnership with ELLIS Unit Jena.

The event was part of the ITU AI for Good Workshops series and was chaired by Markus Reichstein, Director at the Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry and Professor for Global Ecology at the University of Jena, Gustau Camps-Valls, Professor in Electrical Engineering at the University of Valencia, and Philip Stier, Professor of Atmospheric Physics at the University of Oxford. The workshop hosted – among others – experts from the European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts, the European Space Agency, Columbia University, IBM, the United Nations World Food Programme, and the Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (iDMC).

Christian Requena Mesa and Vitus Benson from the Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry spoke about deep learning applications in forecasting of drought impacts.

The workshop also featured insightful talks on disaster-induced migration. Maria Teresa Miranda Espinosa, Information Coordinator at iDMC, presented the potential of internal displacement data for anticipatory action. José María Tárraga from the Image and Signal Processing Lab of the University of Valencia explained how we can understand displacement using causal Machine Learning and explainable AI.

Ioannis Prapas, Big Data and Deep Learning researcher at the National Observatory of Athens and PhD student at the University of Valencia, spoke about wildfire danger forecasting at different spatio-temporal scales.