The DeepCube partners had their first physical plenary meeting in Athens, Greece!

On 6 and 7 July 2022, the National Observatory of Athens welcomed the DeepCube partners for the projects’ fourth Plenary Meeting – and first non-virtual one – in Athens, Greece.

Partners from the Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry, the Image and Signal Processing group of the University of Valencia, the University of Athens, Hopsworks, GAEL Systems, Tre Altamira, Infalia and Murmuration, as well as representatives of the Hellenic Fire Service attended the two-day event, which was dedicated to the presentation and evaluation of the project’s research results during the first cycle of its implementation.

Bonus: a guided tour at the historical centre of Athens followed by moon observation with the Doridis telescope at the headquarters of the National Observatory of Athens in Thissio!

We are looking forward to the next plenary meeting!